WBA Brandwerende Applicaties


"The way Boozt24 operates aligns perfectly with our own company motto: 'say what you do and do what you say…'."


*WBA Brandwerende Applicaties is niet langer een klant van Boozt24. Onze factoringoplossing heeft hen zo succesvol geholpen dat zij geen factoring meer nodig hebben. Hun cases staan nog steeds op onze website als voorbeeld van ons succesvolle partnerschap.

About WBA Brandwerende Applicaties


Weewer Brandwerende Applicaties (WBA), based in Gieten, Netherlands, is a specialist in the development, supply, and installation of fireproofing applications. These are used to seal pipelines in buildings from one room to another, ensuring the fire safety of the individual building parts and compartments in accordance with applicable safety regulations.



WBA has the personnel, resources, and expertise to fully support and assist the customer. Specialization and good work speak for themselves. This is clearly the case with WBA, and it is therefore no surprise that the company had to expand quickly, in terms of space and employees. To make this growth possible, WBA looked for financing that would adapt along with the company and found it with Boozt24 in the form of a credit line.



If a company wants to grow and is looking for financing, approaching a bank is not always the most optimal solution. Banks often require the personal liability of the director, which is not always possible or desirable. In addition, banks are generally reluctant to provide credit depending on the industry. When WBA searched for additional financial resources in 2019 because the company was growing rapidly.

Specialism and good work are spreading. This is also the case in the case of WBA and it will not come as a surprise that the company soon had to expand, in terms of space and employees.



WBA came across Boozt24 during their search. To make this growth possible, WBA looked for financing that would adapt with the company and found it with Boozt24 in the form of a credit line that follow changes.

"If you have a question or a problem, Boozt24 is also a very accessible lender with a great support desk where you quickly get to know the people. Even the CEOs are reachable," says Henk Pol. This level accessibility and way of working proved ideal for the fireproofing specialist. "With Boozt24, you can send in an invoice and the next day you have money in your account; you can perfectly control your liquidity position!", says Pol.

The Result

The credit line with Boozt24 has proved ideal for WBA to optimally control its liquidity position.

"You can compare Boozt24 to an old-fashioned banker where you can just walk in and be helped," Henk continues, "but in a new jacket, a lender with clear terms and clear guidelines."
Henk Pol
Finance Director

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